We Are Here to Help You with All of Your Organizational Complexities

Our Expertise

Change Management

Change is going to happen no matter what: To maximize profit, however, you need to control it.

Organizational and Executive Coaching

Helping you reach peak performance through seeing yourself, your situations, and your options with greater resourcefulness.

Talent Management

Strategies to attract and retain top talent so you can maximize your competitive advantage.

About Us

iORG Solutions is a boutique consulting firm providing cutting-edge advice in the change management and human capital space. Our company specializes in solutions that solve complex organizational and “people” issues.

Our expertise is based on the latest research in human behavior, translating theories to practical tools and strategies that improve bottom line results.

Our company’s values are based on this one philosophy: Manage change and employee engagement to improve and sustain your company’s profitability.

As such, we hire and work with consultants who embody our philosophy: Individuals who are well rounded in knowledge, passionate about their craft, and laser-focused on producing results for you.

Learn It

Change Management Model

The change management discipline has come a long way in the last 40 years.  As such there are various…

What is Executive Coaching and Why Someone would Need It?

Executive coaching is about helping individuals recognize their blind spots so they can get over hurdles…

What Should Your Talent Priorities Be?

This is a question confronted by many companies, both large and small. And as is the conditional nature…

Our Services

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Organizational Change

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Cultural Integration for
Mergers & Acquisitions

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Talent Management

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Organizational Design
and Restructuring

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Workforce Transition, Analytics,
and Compensationt

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Learning & Development
Program and Delivery

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